Drug, Assault & Criminal
Defense in Conroe
Being arrested can be a frightening experience especially in Montgomery County, Texas. Whether you are arrested for a misdemeanor or a felony. Misdemeanors arrests such as DWI, and possession of drugs or marijuana in Montgomery County can force you to report up to several times a month, be drug tested at the court’s discretion, and even have a deep-lung breath analysis mechanism installed into your vehicle. Felony arrests can involve not only reporting and drug testing but may also prohibit you from returning to your own home if you have been accused of assault or family violence. Repercussions of being arrested for a criminal offense and subsequent prosecution puts you at risk of jail time, loss of your job, loss of your professional license, your driver’s license, and possibly your freedom. If you are convicted of a criminal offense in Montgomery or Walker County, Texas you face not only a permanent criminal record but could include a jail or prison sentence.
At M. Neufeld Law our top priority is getting your case dismissed. The professionals in our office have years of criminal defense experience and will look at every possible way to shed light on your case and come up with the best possible outcome. We have successfully handled hundreds of criminal cases and will offer you a unique point of view not only explaining your case to you but also educating you and pointing out all of the good and bad aspects of your case. Our goal is for you to feel good about all of your decisions.
Our approach to criminal defense cases is to first get you into the office for an initial consultation with an attorney to discuss all the details of your case. It is important in criminal defense cases to be pay careful attention to all the details. The details can mean all the difference when handling your criminal matter in order to have a positive outcome. Time is also important. The sooner you call us, the better the prognosis for your case. Driving while intoxicated and drug cases are our most common cases. Both types of cases and especially DWI and DUI cases need prompt attention. You only have fifteen days to request a hearing in Texas after a DWI arrest. If you are arrested for DWI in Texas and do not request a hearing within the fifteen days allowed by law, you forfeit your license on the fortieth day after the arrest. You need to call us immediately so that we can file for your administrative license revocation hearing which can produce testimony that can win your case. Don’t hesitate to call the experienced DWI attorneys at M. Neufeld Law immediately after your arrest. The longer you wait, the more time the State has to remedy the problems with their case. Exposing problems in the State’s case has led to our firm getting many, many of our client’s cases dismissed. We want to sit down with you and discuss all the details of your arrest and determine what the State is alleging.
You need to take your case very seriously. You can count on the State bringing the full might and power of the government against you in order to try and convict you. We are here to fight for you and protect your rights. We understand every aspect of your case and are ready to go to battle on your behalf. We are lawyers that have the years of trial experience that you need to win your case.
You can’t afford to represent yourself. A criminal allegation is a serious allegation. Consider that a criminal conviction in most cases is permanent. Don’t be the client that is haunted by their criminal history. We don’t take court appointed cases. Period. Ask your attorney if he or she takes court appointed cases. If they do, how much time do your think they will have to spend on your case?
Think about the secondary ramifications of a criminal record. Finding a job, getting a loan, buying or renting a home for your family. These can all be affected by criminal charges. You need a criminal defense attorney that will fight for you to get the best possible outcome for your criminal case.